VAULT Premium Transfer Service

Quit the Tedium. Get VAULT Premium.

VAULT Premium is the AAVSB's most comprehensive transfer service. It’s a great option if you need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions.

Fees and Processing Time

The cost of a VAULT Premium transfer is based on the number of transfer destination plus any additional fees such as transcript or license verification fees. Use our VAULT Premium pricing calculator to find out the estimated total cost of your license transfer. The estimated processing time is 25-35 business days.

Note: Arizona, Missouri, Quebec, and Washington currently may not be selected as a transfer destination in the VAULT Premium Transfer Service.

AAVSB Requests Your Official Transcript with VAULT Premium

As part of the VAULT Premium service, the AAVSB will request your transcript for you! Transcripts cannot be submitted by individuals. They must come directly from the school or school's designated transcript service. The processing time for listed above factors in the time it takes for your school to respond and provide your transcript. Please note that select schools do not allow the AAVSB to request a transcript on your behalf. For more information, please see the VAULT Transcript Requirements.

Ready to begin?

Already have a premium transfer in process?

Please login to access your previous Transfer Service through your portal, or return here after logging in to start your Additional Transfer Destination application.